Anyone is capable of making money online. Everyone has some gift even if it is only the ability to listen to someone else and lend them a shoulder to lean on. If you are good in giving advice, you might be good in writing as well. Make money online by writing on your favorite topic. It it possible to make money online and earn a regular income even at home by writing on any topic of your interest. This is possible through Google Adsense program. The most widely known technique of making money online. You can start by opening a blog for free at blogspot. You can also buy .info domains if you don't like a blogspot subdomain. Godaddy is selling .info domains for as low as $.99. If you post relevant information regularly on topics of your interest, you will get hits or visitors. After you received natural traffic from search engines, its time to apply for Google Adsense and start to make money even at home. If your website has followed the rules and regulations of Google Adsense, your site will be approved within 2-3 days. Making money using Google Adsense depends on the number of visitors to your blog/site. You have to learn some seo and do link building if you want to rank well in search engine results page. Join digitalpoint, its all you need to learn seo. Remember, the number of visitors to your site reflects your adsense earning.
If you are making $2 from one of your blog, imagine if you have 10 blogs. That would be $20/day and $600 per month. Sweet! But making money online is not that easy. You have to provide quality information if you want readers to visit your blog regularly. If others would find your site useful, your blog would be bookmarked or they would linkback to your blog and that would help you rank on top of search engine result page.
Adsense also has an attractive referral program. If a visitor to your site joins Adsense by clicking on the referral button on your website, you will earn US$250 as soon as your referral earns $100.
Google Adsense
Related topic:
Mini Sites don’t always make mini money
Mini Sites Explained
Free Ebook (worth $47). Build your own adsense empire.
Make Money Online On Your Favorite Topic
Posted by
12:26 AM
Labels: adsense
Simple Way to Make Money Online
Domain parking is another simple way to make money online from your domains' natural traffic e.g. common misspellings like yotube instead of youtube.
To make money using domain parking, you need to register a domain or if you already have a registered domain but they are not currently being used, then domain parking is a good way to generate some revenue and put those domains to work. Add relevant ads to them and you earn money every time a consumer clicks on the ad.
It’s a gold mine once you get familiar and mastered these tricks. Click here for more information and see an example of a parked domain.
Posted by
12:09 AM
Make money online using FeedBurner’s Ad Network
Make money online and monetize your blog using FeedBurner’s Ad Network. As you have notice Ive added feedburner on my blog. No subscribers yet. Be the first.
What does it do?
Feedburner, the world’s most popular feed hosting is best known for its Atom-to-RSS conversion: you give it an Atom feed URL (e.g. ), and you get a URL that contains the up-to-date RSS version of it.
What is RSS?
RSS is an increasingly popular means for people to read your blog content, its an excellent opportunity to make sure that you make money online and don't lose out on advertising revenue, even if your readers never visit your website directly.
I have not yet generated any revenue from FAN since participation in FeedBurner’s Ad Network is by invitation and most of the visitors who had bookmarked this blog used the default old blogger atom feed. Please update your feeds.
The following criteria must be meet to get accepted:
How long FeedBurner has managed your feed
Your subscribership size, consistency, and frequency of content publication.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Making Money online with the help of Netbusinessblog
Make money online blog has been ranking well for its main keyword agloco in google. How did I do it? Well, I read a lot of seo blogs and joined webmaster forums. One of my favorite blog is Netbusinessblog. It's actually quite new. It went live just in time I was learning the basics of seo, backlinks, anchor text, page rank, link building etc. In other words, Perfect Timing. As a newbie back then, I find the blogpost easy to understand and instructions easy follow. Nothing too complicated. I tried to make my very own network of adsense mini sites with the knowledge I've learned from this blog. Now, I'm writing this review for a backlink. As a webmaster, Im constantly looking for backlinks. Good, quality backlinks indicate that this blog is getting popular. It is also important for SEO because some search engines, especially Google, will give it more credit, making it an authority site and it will appear on top of serp or search engine result page.
Recommended Post:
Building a Niche Minisite (Part 1)
Case Study
Posted by
11:24 PM
Make Money Online Get cash for your uploads
Spymac now shares its revenue with its members. They share the money they make from the stuff YOU upload. They pay out daily and monthly jackpots to the uploaders who contribute the coolest and most popular stuff. Do not upload garbage, copyrighted material or adult content because you will not make any money if you do so. Only those who upload unique, funny videos or images, quality and attention-grabbing content share in the jackpots, which means higher payouts for everyone who deserves them.
You can also make money by simply inviting your friends to the site! You'll get a cut of all the money they make at the end of the month automatically. Join spymac now and make money online.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Agloco List
Ive created an agloco blog list. If you want your agloco blog or site to be added to the list create a new blogpost and copy the list and post a comment here after you have published the blog post and I will add your site on the list. If you are already on the list, please copy the list and post it on your blog. Lets help each other. Lets make this viral. For the html code, copy it here
Make Money Online
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AGLOCO - Make Your Mark
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1:19 AM
Labels: agloco, make money online
Make Money Online - Upload Videos
Another way to make money online is by posting videos. Video sites are the most visited sites on the internet. It has turned awkward, nerdy teenagers, average joes, undiscovered artist into superstars. If you like to create or share videos, check out these video sites which helps you make money online.
Revver - Every time someone watches a video that you've uploaded or shared, you could make money. Its simple. Upload. Share. Earn. Revver shows a still-frame ad at the end of a video. If a viewer clicks that single ad frame you, Revver, and the creator make money. The videos are hosted for free. No need to pay for the hosting. You give Revver the content, they split the ad revenue with you 50/50. It's really that simple to make money online using Revver. If you have a lot of interesting videos or funny videos then upload it to Revver and start to make money online. If you are good in making video tutorials, then why not make money with your video tutorials. Let your video earn money for you.
Metacafe - Metacafe's Producer Rewards™ program rewards you for creating and submitting great videos. Metacafe license your videos if its that entertaining and pay you for every view. Every time a viewer watches your video on Metacafe, you earn money. How much money you make. It depends.
How you make money
Metacafe will pay you $5 for every thousand views your video gets on our site. Payment starts after your video reaches 20,000 views and has a rating of 3.00 or higher - which tells us that the viewers like the video. On top of that, the license to Metacafe is a non-exclusive deal - you retain ownership of your video. Metacafe helps build your brand by marketing your content and making you money.
What's the potential?
With well over 1 million unique users per day watching over 400 million videos every month, Metacafe is perfectly placed to deliver the most receptive audience to the most entertaining content. Whether it's something spontaneous in your home or something you've scripted, if it entertains, it has a place on Metacafe.
Upload your video now to Producer Rewards and start earning money.
iStockVideo - the newest to join the make money online by uploading your videos. Same with Revver, you'll get paid for the videos you've created that other people might want to use in their websites or businesses. Basically, they are selling your videos. There are website owners that wants video content for their site and are willing to pay you for the videos you have created that meets their criteria. They are selling video for as low as $5 per 30-second clip.
"We want to see animations, stop motions, digitized film footage, video clips, and wacky abstract movies. We need video, from you and all your friends. Contribute a video in the first 90 days and receive 10 free credits, to use anywhere on iStock. Then, tell you friends about iStockvideo, and we'll pay you as much as 50 dollars. Refer your friends and receive $1 for every clip that they upload, up to the first 50."
iStockVideo is from the same company that brought iStockPhoto. Ive use their images and I can tell this is a reputable company. Its going to be a wonderful resource for web video creators. They continue to welcome new member artists wanting to monetize their stock footage, film clips, and animations.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Make Money Online - Paid Blog Posting
List Of Paid Blog Posting Services
ReviewMe - If you have a super famous blog with a lot of avid readers, make money online by joining ReviewMe. What is ReviewMe? ReviewMe uses the massive power of blogs to spread new products and services by paying bloggers to write about it. Yes, you actually make money online and blog for a living.
Advertisers/Companies who wants to advertise their products go to ReviewMe and look for blogs and if your blog is chosen, you get paid if you agree to review their product. You basically just have to write a review of the product in exchange you get paid for cash.
Take note of the following though because not all blogs can make money online using ReviewMe. Well creating an account is easy and most blogs are accepted but most companies look for this qualifications when choosing blogs for the review.
Page Rank
Technorati rank
Alexa rank
RSS subscribers
And ofcourse, how well you write.
Basically if you don't understand most of the above, companies would not choose your blog if you don't have that much readers/visitors. They are advertising their product, it needs some exposure and they want a lot of people to know about it. Also, base on your ranking, they will set a price for your reviews.
Unlike Payperpost, ReviewMe requires that you the blogger indicate that you are being paid to write the review and you can either be positive or negative with your review. This is being honest to your readers that certain blog post in your blog are sponsored.
Expect to make money online using ReviewME from $20 - $600 per review depending on how old and how famous is your blog. Payment is tru paypal and cheque. All countries are welcome.
Payperpost - Currently the most famous way to make money online for bloggers. Taken direct from their website.
"Advertisers are willing to pay you for your opinion on various topics. Search through a list of opportunities, make a blog posting, get your content approved, and get paid. It's that simple."
Your blog must also be at least 90 days old.
Payment is paypal only.
CreamAid - A topic is given to you by the advertiser. Example, you go to McDonald's, buy something, take pictures of yourself while eating, go home and make a blog post about your experience and then you get paid. They also have this flash widget you put on your blog. The more people who click that widget and bring into the conversation, the more you get paid, the more money you make online.
V7N Contextual : They offer $10 per blog post assignment. They claim to be leader in quality permanent link placement. Whatever that means. You can buy text links for increased search engine visibility ( if your the only one who knows your site exist).
BloggingAds : This is still currently in beta. They pay $5 per post. Well, you get paid to place ads on your blog.
SponsoredReviews : From 360 Enterprises which owns TextLinkBrokers. Its still
in beta, registration is open for everyone. They connects advertisers with bloggers willing to write honest reviews about their services and products.
Inblogads - You can buy simple, direct HTML links on blogpost.
Blogsvertise - An internet service to generate product Buzz and Traffic from bloggers.
Blogtoprofit - Make money from your blog now. You have a way to make guaranteed money for posts to your blog. Pretty much the same as everything above.
This is part one of my Make Money Online list. Part II coming soon.
Posted by
7:10 PM